California Gun Sales & Shipping

  • Due to several problems doing business with customers in California, including cancellations of orders necessitating return shipment because of hyper-restrictive legislation; HG&A, Inc. will no longer sell and/or ship anything to anyone with an address within that state. Unfortunately this includes licensed dealers.

HG&A, Inc. supports all organizations working for the preservation of the right of private ownership of firearms. In addition, HG&A, Inc. considers it the duty of all firearms owners to increase the level of safety of use and storage of firearms, and to work on the prevention of accidents to firearm owners, their families, and their friends.

HG&A, Inc. supports all organizations, including law enforcement, working to decrease the incidence of the use of firearms in criminal activity.

It is up to those of us who know about firearms and their safe use to make sure that others who are less knowledgeable are educated correctly.


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